Great news for fans of the over longly titled Super Robot Wars Original Generation (SRW:OG), you can wash all those bad memories of the Divine Wars anime away with a brand new series SRW OG: The Inspector that has just started over in Japan. The animators of this show have obviously learned from the mistakes of Divine Wars and have turned their backs on the clunky CGI from that show in favour of more traditional cel animation.
This series will have thirteen episodes and seems to intend to follow the events of the second SRW OG game.
Here I have the trailer, intro and outro for you courtesy of youtube. The series has already been announced as being available through the Crunchyroll online broadcasting service from October the 3rd so look for it on there soon. :D
Here's the Trailer, posted by doctorlatino over on Youtube.
The intro posted by Youtube user Seihaorg.
The Outro contains no Mecha whatsoever and is pure fan service, enjoy! Also posted by Seihaorg.